The use of the LADO Rules is practically unlimited and our experience shows us that they are not only useful in early childhood education, but also in primary education.
In the first games, they will be used as simple pieces of different colors and sizes, to later understand their relationship with the properties of numbers and mathematical operations in a practical and visual way.
Today we teach you a simple game with multiple possibilities to put logic and mathematics into practice.
Rules Maze :
To carry out this game we will need at least:
- A box of Rules (if they are divided and numbered better). Here we show you some.
- And a maze. The labyrinth can be one that has already been made ( Board No. 6 of the "working with rulers" set ) or if you don't have one, you can do it yourself on paper or cardboard, being able to do it as long as you want.
(Remember the important thing is that the maze has a width of 1 cm and the sides are multiples of 1 cm so that the rules fit well) .
Maze example:
*Click on the image and we will take you to each labyrinth
With this "labyrinth" we intend to provide a stimulus to carry out simple operations and mental calculation exercises.
The objective of the game is to go through the maze to the finish line by placing the strips that comply with the order given in each case. The winner will be whoever finishes the course first, or whoever runs out of rules first, as determined.
Children can play individually or in groups.
Each team has the same number of rulers.
The orders and rules of the game are set by you.
Here is an example:
Rules: Order: "Each rule that we put must be 2 units greater or less than the previous one."
The number that the child/group wants to put can be reflected with one or several rulers and must be adapted to the shape of the maze.
To identify the number that each team puts (in case of having used several rules) we are going to use the numbered face that the LADO Rules have . One team will place the strips on the numbered side and the other will not, in this way we will be able to know which number is the one that the previous team has finished putting. We can also ask each team to write under their ruler or rulers the number they have put.

If the team doesn't have any ruler that fulfills that order, or the one they have doesn't fit, they can exchange one of their rulers for two or three rulers from the suitcase that add up to the same, and that allows them to place a ruler in the maze.
This is one way to play, but you can vary the orders and rules of the game to increase or decrease the difficulty of the exercise. For example:
Example of other orders to play the maze , from very simple to more complicated:
In addition, you can also add and remove rules , for example:
Difficulty of the exercise: This will depend on,
Excelente articulo de laberintos de matematicas, me parecio muy buen aporte con comentarios y perspectiva fresca y adecuada a lo que requerimos en educacion. Felicididades, aqui tambien le presentamos unos sitios que contienen laberintos de matematicas y aportan al tema de tu articulo, esperamos sea de su agrado.
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