With this game we are going to work on children's mental calculations in a more fun way for them.
We are going to suppose that we are before a group of 20 children (Although you can adapt it to the number that you are in class).
We take the pieces of our Learn to Calculate and create 10 operations indicated as these (of greater or lesser difficulty depending on the level of your class):

We deliver the indicated operations that we have prepared to 10 children, who must hold them with their hands at chest height.
We give another 10 children the 10 cards that express the solution to those operations.
We make two lines, one facing the other. In one, the 10 children with operations are placed, and in front the 10 children with the solutions. We will play music, and as soon as the music turns off, each solution will have to run to the operation that corresponds to it, or vice versa.
The one who arrives later to his partner will have lost.
Depending on the age of the children, these operations may be simpler or more complicated, even being able to use fractions.
For example: Operation: and your solution
From here the variants of this game are all that you want to do:
- You can find two equal solutions to see which of the children who has the answer calculates it faster,
- You can put a solution that does not correspond to any operation to make them think, etc...
And like these, we can think of many more variants of this activity, using for example the symbols greater than (>), or less than (<). For this reason we are going to work for you and we are going to create a document with proposed exercises (with the worksheets) and their solutions, so that you can apply them directly in your class ... Next week we will send it to you.
Thanks for reading us!!
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