That the posture is not a problem when writing

Tres caras para tres dedos

It is a true and proven fact that writing by hand strengthens the learning process.

Various psycho-pedagogical studies speak of the importance of handwriting for the development of intelligence and the composition of ideas. WRITING BY HAND HELPS TO FIX CONCEPTS AND KEEP THE MIND ACTIVE.

Magnetic resonances carried out by scientists from the University of Indiana (USA), have shown that writing by hand activates more regions of the brain and favors the learning of forms, symbols and languages. Also, this technique helps to BETTER EXPRESS THOUGHTS AND IDEAS. Even for some neurological disorders, the ability to write can serve as a diagnostic tool.

For his part, Dr. Virgilio Hernando Requejo, a neurologist at the Madrid-Norte Sanchinarro Hospital, says that: “The representation that the hand has in the cerebral cortex is enormous. When writing with a pen or pencil we use the brain much more than when we use the computer keyboard. Therefore, there is no doubt that if we stop writing by hand for a while, the brain structures will change.

Despite technological advances, writing continues to be one of the basic and essential learning processes for children, since when writing by hand the movements involved leave a motor memory in the sensorimotor part of the brain that helps us recognize the letters and plays a very important role in the process of visual recognition during reading.

Before tackling the complex task for the child of learning to read and write successfully, it is necessary to master the body and its movements, space and time, and to have a certain habit of attention and concentration.

For this, it is very necessary to carry out previous fine psychomotor activities, whose objective is the acquisition of precise motor skills that favor control and mastery of the organs involved in writing, from global movements of the arm to fine movements. of the fingers

Among these previous activities, it is worth highlighting those of mincing, sewing exercises on plates and frames with giant needles, games for stringing pieces of different shapes and sizes on rigid pivots and on a flexible cord, strength and flexibility exercises with chain laces. , torn from paper, cut with scissors, etc. See materials to work on fine motor skills

One of the bases of early childhood education, a key stage in the education of children, is their correct preparation in pre-writing, teaching them in a natural way to hold the pencil correctly, that is to say with three fingers (thumb, index and middle fingers placed around it "doing the clamp"). But first of all, it must be taken into account that at the beginning the child's hand is not formed and prepared to hold a pencil of normal diameter and its control is still in its development phase.

For this reason, various studies have indicated how the IDEAL "adapter" DESIGN should be to effectively help children achieve their new goal "write correctly" :

  • Thick diameter , to facilitate its grip.
  • Triangular in shape, which is the one that best adapts to learning the clamp.
  • Soft texture for effortless punching, painting and writing.
  • With a wide non-slip and anti-stress grip area and with a support point.

In short, an instrument that, due to its ergonomic design, offers a relaxed position for the hand and encourages motivation to write and draw.

Based on all this and to facilitate the learning of writing and get children to enjoy it, we have designed the "Adapta - LADO" aimed at creating a good habit in the way of writing and drawing, helping the child to hold the correctly shaped pen giving you a good foundation for developing clear and legible handwriting.

Dos posturas del Adapta-LADO Corrects two errors in the posture when picking up the pencil

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  • Zulema cucho Martínez

    Felicitaciones excelente articulo sobre la escritura . ¿En PERU hay algún distribuidor autorizado de LADO .

  • LADO

    Estimada Zulema,

    Gracias por su comentario en nuestro artículo y por interesarse por nuestro material. LADO dispone de Distribuidor autorizado en Lima, luego le facilitamos sus datos por correo para que pueda ponerse en contacto con ellos:

    Si tiene cualquier problema o necesita cualquier otra cosa no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros en o en nuestra web

    Un saludo y muchas gracias.

  • Material didáctico LADO | Motricidad fina = Habilidad manual

    […] Hoy en día preocuparse por esto es cada vez más importante, pues con los avances de la tecnología nuestros hijos dejan de escribir en papel mucho antes, y no por ello la escritura a mano deja de ser relevante pues olvidarse de ella en la infancia supone olvidarse de trabajar la caligrafía y la ortografía en general.  Beneficios de la escritura manuscrita para nuestros hijos. […]

  • María

    ¡Hola! Ya sé que han pasado algunos años desde esta publicación, pero es muy buena e interesante y me gustaría saber en qué países tienen estos adaptadores a la venta —si aún lo hacen, claro—.

  • LADO Material Didáctico

    Estimada María,
    Antes de nada muchas gracias por su comentarios.
    Si seguimos fabricando nuestro Adapta-LADO ya que sigue siendo imprescindible que el niño tenga un buen desarrollo de su motricidad fina, cogiendo correctamente cualquier tipo de instrumento de escritura, picado o dibujo. Todo nuestro material está diseñado y fabricado en Madrid, España y estamos presenten en la mayor parte de los países.
    Si quiere puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en para indicarnos su lugar de residencia o trabajo y le facilitamos su distribuidor más cercano.

    Quedamos a la espera de sus noticias.

    Un saludo y gracias.

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