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Child stimulation: It does not take so much time and its benefits are innumerable

"At birth, all of their babies' organs – heart, lungs, kidneys – are fully developed. They are only smaller than adult organs. With one exception: the brain. Between the sixth week and the fifth month of pregnancy, approximately 100 billion brain cells develop in a baby's brain! Some of these brain cells are connected at birth, but most are not. Precisely, during the first five years of life, the infant brain makes a great effort to establish these brain connections. Have you ever seen what happens when you walk over and over again in the same direction in deep snow or tall grass? A path is formed. Something similar happens as the brain develops. Every time your babies use one...

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That the posture is not a problem when writing

It is a true and proven fact that writing by hand strengthens the learning process. Various psycho-pedagogical studies speak of the importance of handwriting for the development of intelligence and the composition of ideas. WRITING BY HAND HELPS TO FIX CONCEPTS AND KEEP THE MIND ACTIVE. Magnetic resonances carried out by scientists from the University of Indiana (USA), have shown that writing by hand activates more regions of the brain and favors the learning of forms, symbols and languages. Also, this technique helps to BETTER EXPRESS THOUGHTS AND IDEAS. Even for some neurological disorders, the ability to write can serve as a diagnostic tool. For his part, Dr. Virgilio Hernando Requejo, a neurologist at the Madrid-Norte Sanchinarro Hospital, says that:...

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What they say about SIDE...

Here is the article that the School Material Test Blog wrote in 2009 about Ladrillos-LADO (Article) The LADO brick, an indisputable classic : If this blog was born with a purpose, it is to compare products. It may be that our readers wonder why and it is that today you may not look at more than the price. That is why today we are going to talk about Lado products. The company Lado was created in 1988 in Spain, it is located in the community of Madrid and is dedicated to manufacturing psychomotor material, publishing, educational plastic toys, etc... Fame came from the hand of the brick, we are not talking about the speculation to which we are accustomed, but...

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