A simple definition of dyslexia is: a problem in learning to read presented by children whose IQ is normal and in whom there are no other physical or psychological problems that could explain these difficulties. The term dyslexia is used to designate a set of causes, which manifest as difficulty distinguishing and memorizing letters or groups of letters, lack of order and rhythm in placement, poor sentence structure, etc. and that becomes evident both in reading and writing. It is important to detect dyslexia problems in order to contribute to their solution and not increase the problems that these children have in this crucial area of learning in our education system. In practice, it is reflected as an inconvenience that...
Why read? The need to read is a dogma that children have in their heads. We must read to learn, to succeed in studies, to inform ourselves, to know who we are, where we live, where we are going, to know the memory of the past, so as not to repeat the nonsense of grandparents, to escape, to find meaning in life, to save time, to take advantage of previous experiences, to illuminate our present, to understand the foundations of our civilization, to feed our curiosity, to distract ourselves, to inform us, to cultivate ourselves, to communicate, to exercise our critical spirit. ...and why in silence? «Strange disappearance of reading aloud. What would Dostoevsky have thought of this? And Flaubert?...
EDUCATING THEM IS ALMOST NEVER GIVING THEM WHAT THEY WANT... "The game is always carried within the child, it is the treasure of the imagination" Christmas is here and with it the purchase of thousands of gifts. Your children's toys are a fundamental part of their education that you can feed, so that we do not lose that trick. One only has to watch television during children's hours to realize the huge range of toys they see, but have you ever stopped to think that your child will never stop playing even if they don't have the latest model toy? Your imagination prevents you. Many times due to lack of time, not to complicate ourselves or not to hold back...
It is wrong to think that fine motor exercises are only done by those who have a developmental problem. Fine motor skills are worked naturally by all children while they play, the degree of work will depend on the game they play, but they will always be working when the game involves moving the hands, fingers and visual-manual coordination (directing the hand where the eye wants). However, although this is a natural development of the children, it is important that the father is concerned about seeing how his ability evolves and provides him with material and games so that he can develop it as well as possible. A correct development of this ability will allow the child, among other things,...
While it is true that not all school supplies are for exclusive use in schools, since we all use erasers and pencils in the office and at home, it is also true that school supplies are not only reduced to that. Sticking to the children's area, along with all the consumable school supplies that parents buy at the beginning of the course (pencils, notebooks and backpacks...) there are also the teaching methods that schools buy, as if they were books, to explain how practical way the basic concepts to our children. For this reason, between the ages of 3 and 5, the age when a person learns the most, teachers use multiple materials, some free, such as leaves, stones, earth,...